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Friday, September 11, 2009

Making Time for Fitness

Okay...summer is over. Labor Day marked the end of the delicious barbecue season and sunny poolside afternoons. The days are starting to seem shorter already and I am anticipating the griping from the 'wanna be fit' babes. All of a sudden, with work and kids in school, and the earlier nightfall, no one is going to have time for fitness. Until...magically...January 1st (actually the day or two after), the same 24 hour period holds more promise of getting back in shape.

What about making time for fitness now? Sure your schedule is more hectic with the lazy summer days behind you; you still want to feel good and look good in your clothes, right? Do you remember the pain of starting over after the new year and the agony of working to shape, and sculpt, and sweat yourself back into condition in only 4-1/2 months?

I say, it's time to end this cycle. I want my 'wanna be fit' babes to enjoy fitness year round. Year after year, after year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for bringing to light the fact that being and staying fit 24/7, 365 days a year. It really is a state if mind. once you have the mindset to take care of yourself it won't matter what time of year it is.
