Are you ready to succeed at weight-loss for good?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Will a Sweat Belt help me Lose Weight?

Indulge me in a little side note here. I neglected to mention in my 'premier post' that I am new to this blogging activity. So if I get a little sidetracked or come off a little 'old school-ish'...just...cut me a little slack.

Anyway, I get this question about three or four times a month about the neoprene sweat belts. (Sometimes I elicit the question because I took the liberty to feel her up 'cause I see something strange through the t-shirt.) Do they help you lose weight? Will the belt (or plastic wrap for those on a budget) make the waist smaller? Will it make you sweat??

Ahh, what a person will plunk their money down for in the quest for quick and easy weight loss. Of course, no one admits out loud that they're looking for the method that's going to require the least time and effort.I kind of turn the tables and answer the 'potentially slimmer' person by asking a few questions of my own. Don't you hate that when it's done to you? But, what I'm really doing, here, is exposing the weight loss misconception and directing the thought process by way of some information.

If the sweat belts and plastic wraps really and truly worked for weight reduction and trimming those hard to trim areas, wouldn't more people be wearing them most of the time? Yes, you can lose weight with these belts. Temporarily and not a lot. It will be water weight. And, you'll gain it back once you consume more fluids. Most of us want to lose fat. Right?Yes, your waist may get smaller. Again, temporarily. The result is from compression, kind of like the effect of body wrapping to slip easily into that tight fitting special occasion dress. Think of Cinderella and the pumpkin, only YOU are the pumpkin at midnight.

So, you see where I'm going with this? Adapting a continuous healthy lifestyle habit of sensible eating and exercise will improve your shape. More on that topic later...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Making Time for Fitness

Okay...summer is over. Labor Day marked the end of the delicious barbecue season and sunny poolside afternoons. The days are starting to seem shorter already and I am anticipating the griping from the 'wanna be fit' babes. All of a sudden, with work and kids in school, and the earlier nightfall, no one is going to have time for fitness. Until...magically...January 1st (actually the day or two after), the same 24 hour period holds more promise of getting back in shape.

What about making time for fitness now? Sure your schedule is more hectic with the lazy summer days behind you; you still want to feel good and look good in your clothes, right? Do you remember the pain of starting over after the new year and the agony of working to shape, and sculpt, and sweat yourself back into condition in only 4-1/2 months?

I say, it's time to end this cycle. I want my 'wanna be fit' babes to enjoy fitness year round. Year after year, after year!